📒Guide: Getting Started with Elbow Up

The ultimate community and guide for youth baseball parents and coaches.

Welcome to Elbow Up! ⚾

This guide is your road map to your youth baseball experience via Elbow Up. Don’t worry about figuring this out all at once. Just commit to learning a little each week.

I’ve seen (and done) the good, bad, and the ugly, and I’m just here to help!

- Kevin

First, let’s take care of some housekeeping. If you haven’t done so already…

✉️ Sign up for weekly emails and podcasts.

✔️ Join our Facebook group!

✔️ Like/Follow Elbow Up on Facebook.

✔️ Follow Elbow Up on Twitter.

Who is Kevin Burke?

I’m Kevin Burke, and I’ve made all the mistakes!

On one hand, I’m just another youth baseball coach and parent like you. On the other, I’ve got a little experience in both.

I’ve coached youth baseball for 18 years (5 year olds through high school varsity).

I have an 18 year old that I coached and now coach my 9 year old.

My brother was a first round draft pick of the San Diego Padres in 2006 after signing with then number one ranked Vanderbilt University, and I had a front row seat to that entire process (and I taught him everything he knows 😜).

I’ve attended and coached thousands of baseball games.

I’ve seen (and still see) the good, the bad, and the ugly.

Publishing Schedule

**updated for 2022**

I’ve tried to stick to several schedules over the past couple of years, and I just can’t make it work. I make zero money from Elbow Up and I have a real job that pays the bills.

Publishing content takes a lot of work, and I’m just going to commit to doing the best I can moving forward to produce as much content as possible.

Where to Start

If you’re new to Elbow Up or youth baseball parenting and coaching, here’s what I’d read or listen to, and in this order:

What’s Next?

I’m going to continue to build out this guide, but here’s a few things to consider in the meantime…

The Future of Elbow Up

This entire project started as a hobby. I’ve always enjoyed writing and baseball, and after a few viral articles, I ventured into the podcast arena and have seen really good traction.

I never thought we’d be getting 30,000+ downloads per episode, but here we are!

I’ve struggled a little with finding the right publishing cadence - one that is appealing to YOU and that is manageable for me.

I’m continuously looking to make things better and provide more value to as many parents and coaches as possible. If you have suggestions, be sure to let me know how I can help!

Visit the Full Archives

Now, while I continue to build out this Getting Started guide, check out the full archive and catch up on all the past articles and episodes.

Spread the Word

And most importantly right now, spread the word! Tell everyone you know about Elbow Up so we can continue to make a difference for our kids in the world of youth baseball!


or to participate.