010: Maximize Player and Team Development with the Right Team Size

Good evening!

As we enter our third week of the off-season, I’m really looking for topics that challenge the way everyone does things. There are so many examples in youth baseball of coaches and parents doing things just because everyone else does.

Instead of falling in line and being like everyone else, let’s look at how we can do things differently, and better, and create a better experience for our kids and families.

There are many factors that influence how fast (or slow) a player and team develop. One often overlooked factor is team size - how many kids are on the team.

This week I talk about the right team size and how it impacts player and team development - both for the good and the bad.

Are you carrying too many kids on your team? Listen to this week's episode for my thoughts, and then I’d love to hear your comments, questions, and feedback. Email me directly at kevinburke2 (at) gmail (dot) com or connect with me on the Elbow Up Youth Baseball Facebook page.

Thanks for supporting youth baseball and the Elbow Up community.

I hope you have a happy, safe, and healthy Thanksgiving!


or to participate.